1. Pass through the cochlea, are transformed into nerve impulses and sent to the brain - sound waves
2. Forms in your outer ear and is meant to protect your ear from dirt and infection – cerumen
3. Receives sounds and sends them through the auditory canal to the eardrum - outer ear
4. A thin membrane that transmits sound waves into the middle ear – eardrum
5. Where the cochlea is - inner ear
6. A snail-shaped organ lined with hair cells. – cochlea
7. Inside, small bones transmit sound waves from the eardrum to the inner ear - middle ear
8. Destroyed by extended exposure to loud noise - hair cells
During hearing, sound waves are received by the outer ear and pass it on to the ear drum through the external auditory canal.
The sound waves upon hitting the eardrum makes it to vibrate and the vibrations are passed on the ossicles of the middle ear. The sound waves are amplified by the ossicles and passes to the inner ear where it reaches the cochlea.
The sensory hair cells in the basilar membranes of the inner ear move the sound wave and also help to create electric signal which is received by the auditory nerves.
These signals are received by the brain where the sound waves are processed.
Low-fat or fat free dairy product greatly helps in reducing the chance of getting osteoporosis and if you want to fully prevent it, you can use cardiovascular exercises like dancing, walking, jogging, running, yoga, water aerobics, tai chi, ect.
(hope that answers your question :D)
It must be free of any artificial ingredients.
chlamydia is one of the most common and least serious STDs and is common among teens bc of hormones and sexual transmission in general/ for that fact it's very easily spread
Through small intercellular canals to reach the lumen and through the sweat duct to be secreted at the skin surface.
I hope this helped !