Neologism is indicative of a thought disorder, in this case, schizophrenia. From Greek, Neo means new, and logos means word. Neo+logos = new words.
This is categorized under Positive Symptoms, psychotic behaviors that aren't usually seen in or displayed by healthy people.
Answer: The practitioners are not part of a cluster.
Explanation: A cluster is a group of things or people that share similar characteristics. In practitioner's case they come from different states, counties, cities, and houses of worship (professing a different religion) so they have nothing in common.
1. I believe the answer is: Ukraine;soviet union
Chernobyl disaster happened in April 26th 1986. At that time period, almost all regions in eastern Europe fell under the influence of the soviet union.
When the soviet union lost the cold war, it's territory was divided into many different nations and ukraine was one of them.
2. I believe the answer is: <span>Pripyas
The main reason for this is because the residual from the radioactive substance still persist. It's predicted that the area won't be completely safe for habitation for the next 20,000 years due to the longevity of the substance's half-lives.
3. No, the disaster could happen to anyone.
The main reason for the disaster like Chernobyl to happen is because of human erorr or miscalculation.
Just like Soviet union's scientist, Our scientist is also a normal human being that is not immune from making human errors.