local winds are considered breezes while global winds produce mostly storms
Metallic properties head to the left.
Other substances that give a positive test with AgNO3 are other chlorides present, iodides and bromide. However iodides and bromides have different colours hence they will not give a false positive test for KCl. Other chlorides present may lead to a false positive test for KCl.
In the qualitative determination of halogen ions, silver nitrate solution is used. Various halide ions give various colours of precipitate with silver nitrate. Chlorides yield a white precipitate, bromides yield a cream precipitate while iodides yield a yellow precipitate. All these ions or some of them may be present in the system.
However, if other chlorides are present, they will also yield a white precipitate just as KCl leading to a false positive test for KCl. Since other halogen ions yield precipitates of different colours, they don't lead to a false test for KCl. We can exclude other halides from the tendency to lead us to a false positive test for KCl but not other chlorides.
It has covelent bonds at 180 degrees between H & N