The Forces of Flight
At any given time, there are four forces acting upon an aircraft.
These forces are lift, weight (or gravity), drag and thrust. Lift is
the key aerodynamic force that keeps objects in the air. It is the
force that opposes weight; thus, lift helps to keep an aircraft in
the air. Weight is the force that works vertically by pulling all
objects, including aircraft, toward the center of the Earth. In order
to fly an aircraft, something (lift) needs to press it in the opposite
direction of gravity. The weight of an object controls how strong
the pressure (lift) will need to be. Lift is that pressure. Drag is a
mechanical force generated by the interaction and contract of a
solid body, such as an airplane, with a fluid (liquid or gas). Finally,
the thrust is the force that is generated by the engines of an
aircraft in order for the aircraft to move forward.
On sources it says it would just be the super giant star
Both organisms attempt to use the same limited sources
Krypton ... symbol Kr ... is an element. It's element number 36, because
there are 36 protons in the nucleus of every atom of Krypton.
Krypton has nothing to do with Superman, except that about 75 years ago,
the creators of Superman thought it was a cool-sounding scientific word,
so they chose it for the name of his home planet.