beta particles

Given mass = 14.0 g
Molar mass = 137 g/mol

According to avogadro's law, 1 mole of every substance weighs equal to its molecular mass and contains avogadro's number
of particles.
1 mole of cesium contains atoms =
0.102 moles of cesium contains atoms =
The relation of atoms with time for radioactivbe decay is:

=atoms left undecayed
= initial atoms
t = time taken for decay = 3 minutes
= half life = 30.0 years =
The fraction that decays : 
Amount of particles that decay is = 
beta particles are emitted by a 14.0-g sample of cesium-137 in three minutes.

Given that :
mass of the SUV is = 2140 kg
moment of inertia about G , i.e
= 875 kg.m²
We know from the conservation of angular momentum that:

![mv_1 *0.765 = [I+m(0.765^2+0.895^2)] \omega_2](
![2140v_1*0.765 = [875+2140(0.765^2+0.895^2)] \omega_2](

From the conservation of energy as well;we have :

^2 -2140(9.81)[\sqrt{0.76^2+0.895^2} -0.765]] =0](

The weight lifter would not get past this sticking point.
Generally torque applied on the weight is mathematically represented as
T = F z
To obtain Elbow torque we substitute 4000 N for F (the force ) and 2cm
for z the perpendicular distance
So Elbow Torque is 

To obtain the torque required we substitute 300 N for F and 30cm 
So the Required Torque is 

Now since
it mean that the weight lifter would not get past this sticking point
The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body.