A) Offering 1/2 price discounts through Costco.
Probably the most commonly used and most effective sales promotion is to offer a discount to your products or services. Everyone loves the idea of paying less for a product they need or want. But there is a catch with this type of activity, you shouldn't do it very often. If discounts are offered on a regular basis, then customers will tend to purchase the product only when a discount is available.
Option b. A and B are conditionally independent given C2.
The conditional probability of an event is the probability that a given event will occur given that another event, say A has already occurred.
In a case where events A and B are independent (in this case, where the probability of A has no effect on the probability of B occurring), the conditional probability of an event B given that A has taken place is simply the probability of the event A.
If the two events are not independent, then the probability of an event occurs as an intersection of set A and B.
Representative democracy.
Representative democracy refers to a system where the people govern through the election of parties or representatives with decision-making rights. Representative democracy can also be seen as a collective term for a number of democratic models. Common to these, however, is that the core consists of regularly recurring elections between competing representatives. People's sovereignty is achieved by the citizens influencing the government by voting in these elections. It is by far the most widespread method of exercising authoritative and legitimate control, demanding responsibility and developing debate in modern democracies.
4320 . this prob would have been answered faster under the mathmatics topic
The main feature of this lesson is the equation P(x) = R(x) - C(x). Other important equations to remember are as follows: The breakeven point is when revenue equals cost, or when the profit is zero. Maximum profit will occur when marginal revenue equals marginal cost, or when the marginal profit is zero.