corpus callosum
Yolanda, who is 5 years old, has improved dramatically in her ability to throw and catch a baseball. The growth of the corpus callosum has contributed significantly to her improved abilities by enhancing communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Dollar Diplomacy
William Howard Taft and his secretary of state, Philander C. Knox, to ensure the financial stability of a region while protecting and extending U.S. commercial and financial interests there.
Jamestown life consisted of many duties and work routines. People used to farm tobacco as a cash crop in Virginia. Routine wise, parents used to go to their jobs and students would go to school.
The Czerwinski family in Jamestown (a habitual name in Polish) usually got up around 6:30-7 am. The children would get fresh up and help their mother get breakfast ready while their father used to get ready to go to work. Sunday was a church day. They went to church at 10 am. The other days, the children school routine started at 8 am and ended at 1 pm. Children had some responsibilities too. After school, they would go to duties which were needed to be done. Normally the duties were sweeping, dusting, making the beds, helping cook and running to the marketplace.
Ancient civilizations were built along rivers because the land was fertile.