To solve this question, you need to do 421 divided by 9.
421 divided by 9 will get you a long number, which is 46.7777778.
Round your number up by the hundredths place. You will get 46.78.
The average speed in miles per hour would be 46.78 MPH.
The inverse is more complicated to graph.
But you can try I have provided you the equation.
6 tickets
Step-by-step explanation:
Amount spent by Mr Harrison on plane tickets = $3600
Cost of each ticket = $585
Thus, largest number of tickets purchased is;
n = 3600/585
n = 6.15
Approximating to the nearest whole number gives 6 tickets
a-am i really cute
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: No
0.44 is equal to 44%.
42% is equal to 0.42.
0.44 is greater than 0.44.
44% is greater than 42%.
Answer = no