So I think you have to go on the internet and find articles! One that likes oils and thinksoils are good and then another one that is against oils and doesn’t like them! Compare and contrast them and highlight stuff that YOU agree with and then see if the articles are actually VERY convincing or not so much
It depends on a lot more things. Like what types of exercise you are doing, this will affect the areas you are exercising and therefore will effect where you see the results. It varies from person to person, maybe give it a month. However, some work out that often and won't ever see results, it just depends on your body.
Good luck.
Instead of walking he could run or jog. If there is a longer way he took take that way
I'm not gonna give a full answer, but think of as many reasons as possible and then build off of that. Here's one reason, working less can reduce stress and anxiety.
No full answer. You're gonna have to write the rest yourself. Too much typing. And remember you essay should contain introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.
a. Stage II
Stage 0 includes tumors only in top layers of skin.
Stage I includes tumors grown below skin of penis but not into the deeper layers.
<u>Stage II penile cancer includes the tumors which have grown deep into tissues of penis or urethra. This is the stage where the tumor has reached the shaft of the penis.</u>
Stage III penile cancer reached nearby lymph nodes in groin.
Stage IV penile cancer includes groups of more advanced cancers.