the rate of weathering is not the same for all rocks. Factors such as surface area, rock composition, and location influence the rate of weathering. water, the faster the rock will break down. A greater surface area allows chemical weathering to affect more of a rock.
Why conserve water? Because fresh water is rare and the process to clean water is expensive; therefore it shouldn’t be wasted. The next time you are tempted to waste water, think of all poor people who can’t afford clean water. Many children die and suffer everyday from dehydration and water that are unclean. :(
Polyploidy (more than two complete sets of chromosomes) is not rare among plants. For example, pollen grains may reach female flowers via animals or wind. In some cases, pollen grains from species with 4 complete sets of chromosomes will have 2 sets of chromosomes. Pollen grains may fuse with a female reproductive organ with 1 set of chromosome (so, female plant must have 2 sets of chromosomes). The resulting zygote will have 2 + 1 sets of chromosomes, so the plant will have 3 complete sets of chromosomes.
Viruses are considered to be nonliving.
lol. whats when whole thing