Anopheles is a genus of mosquito first described and named by J. W. Meigen in 1818. About 460 species are recognised; while over 100 can transmit human malaria, only 30–40 commonly transmit parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which cause malaria in humans in endemic areas.
Half of the Moon's surface is always illuminated by direct sunlight, except during lunar eclipses when Earth casts its shadow on the Moon. Just how much of that light we can see from Earth varies every day, and we refer to this as a Moon phase.
Orbits: Earth
a. Fluid intelligence
Cattell-Horn's theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence suggests that intelligence is composed of a series of different skills that interact and work together to produce general individual intelligence.
Fluid intelligence</u> implies being able to think and reason abstractly and solve problems. This ability is considered independent of learning, experience and education. It is basically configured by primary skills such as induction, deduction, relationships and figurative classifications, breadth of associative memory and intellectual speed, among others. It reaches its maximum splendor in the early twenties and tends to decrease in parallel to the aging and deterioration of neurons. This ability can be measured from tests that measure the biological potential of the individual to learn or acquire knowledge.
When researchers create lesions, they are destroying a piece of the brain.
This refers to a trait that should be able to be treated with antibiotics but instead the trait has built up a resistance to this trait, sometimes this will even make the trait stronger. This can become fatal if the trait is resistant to all antibiotics available