Lifestyle activities belongs on the level 4 of the physical activity pyramid.
Further Explanation:
The <u>physical activity pyramid</u> helps in organizing the person’s <u>daily life routine</u>. It separated the exercises into different levels and helps the person to inherit a fit and healthy life style. To have a good and healthy life style the adult person should spend <u>at least 30 min in physical activity</u> while <u>children should do 60 min of physical activity</u> on the daily basis.
Physical activity are divided into four different level according to increase in the time of physical activity and decrease in sitting time. The different levels are,
Level 1: It is present at the bottom of pyramid which implies 30 min of daily exercise. It comes <u>under lifestyle daily activity</u> such as walking, taking stairs, playing tennis and other active games.
Level 2: This level occupy <u>active sports and aerobics</u>. They are performed three to five times in a week and it carries aerobic dance, swimming, jogging, and treadmill, dancing and playing basketball.
Level 3: This level contain <u>strength and flexibility activities</u> which are performed two to three days in a week. The exercises such as stretching, yoga, gymnastic, wall climbing and resistance training comes under this level.
Level 4: This level <u>decrease the sedentary time</u> such as watching TV, playing computer games, surfing internet and other board games.
Learn More:
1 Learn more about effects of vigorous exercise on cardiorespiratory system <u>
2 Learn more about the structure of epithelium and connective tissue <u></u>
3 Learn more about secondary function of the lymphatic system <u>
Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Health
Chapter: Physical Activity
Physical, pyramid, lifestyle, walking, golf, aerobic, hiking, strength, flexibility, stretching, gymnastic, resistance training, sedentary living.