you too!
thanks and merry christmas!
According to socio-emotional selectivity theory, knowledge-related goals decrease in late adulthood and emotion-related goals increase.
The socioemotional selectivity theory is basically a theory of emotion covering the lifespan of human. This entails the changes that occur in the lifetime of human in relation to the view of time. This theory suggests that as people grow older, they begin to prioritize emotion-related goals over knowledge-related goals in which they prioritized when they were younger. In old age, time is perceived as more limited, while in young age, time is open-ended, according to this theory.
Day of Encounter: Wednesday
Diagnosis: Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess with bleeding
Diagnosis Code: K57.21
Procedure: Echocardiography
Procedure Code: 93306
93306 is CPT coding
K57.21 is ICD-10 coding