Direct Democracy- Country D
Monarchy- Country B
Representative Democracy- Country C
Aristocracy- Country A
Direct Democracy- the question of wether or not a law will be made goes directly to the people
Monarchy-a king/queen rules as he/she wishes and makes all of the choices for the people
Representative Democracy- People are elected to make the choices for the voters, but the people are elected by the voters with their best interests at heart
Aristocracy- Lords whom inheret land and titles from family make choices for the people
6. Seafood industry is an example of primary industry.
7. Osaka is an important textile centre in Japan. It is called the Manchester of Japan.
8. Maruti Udyog come under joint sector.
9. Jamshedpur is the name of the place where TISCO began.
10. The first cotton textile mill was established in Ahmedabad in 1861
11. Silicon Valley is located near the Santa Cruz Mountains.
12. Regions like the Mumbai-Pune cluster and Chotanagpur industrial belt are important industrial regions of India.
13. The process of smelting is done in a reverberatory furnace.
14. Basket-weaving, handicraft, and pottery are examples of small scale
D) WHO = World Health Organization
Who stands for world health organization that is the correct answer.