Conception- This is when the egg and the sperm unite at conception, it is the fertilization and starts at the woman’s fallopian and the fertilized egg , First Trimester
- First four weeks of the conception-, Second Trimester- This is 3 months after conception and this is where the baby can be felt kicking and can hear,Third Trimester- 28 weeks after conception and is having breathing movements and the women would be adding some body fat. If I am wrong please let me know
I believe you’re referring to the body’s fight or flight response.
The answer is cell division
<span>Research partitioning is an adaptive evolution that when
species are have similar preys, they compete with each other and one species is
deemed to extinct in the process however if two species are of different preys,
then they can exist with one another. To exist with one another, organisms
belonging to a same species either compete for the resources or divide it
amongst themselves. This concept is important because it helps in diversified
ecology, where animals and plants of the same species co-exist and creates a
beauty with nature.</span>