tritium and deuterium are combined and result in the formation of helium
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1. 2)
2. 3)
3. 4) Sr
4. 3)
5. 4)
6. 2)
7. 1)
8. 4)
9. 3)
10. 3)
11. SO3, H2SO4, Na2SO4
A) оксид меди (II) 2) CuO
Б) хлорид меди(II) 4) CuCl2
В) сульфит меди (II) 3) CuSO 3
Г) гидроксид меди (II) 1) Cu(OH)2
1. Fe+HCl= б) FeCl 2 +H 2
2.Fe+O2= в) Fe 3 O 4
3. Fe(OH) 3 = г)Fe 2 O 3 +H 2O
4. FeCl 2 +NaOH= а) Fe(OH) 2 +NaCl
14. 2Ca + O2 = 2CaO
CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + 2H2O
The pH of a solution is a measure of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and as such is a measure of the acidity or basicity of the solution.
Talc is not a good choice when building a statue because the mineral Talc is one of the weakest minerals on the Mohs Scale with a hardness of 1 since it could be scratched by a fingernail, which means that when people build a statue with Talc, it could be easily broken down.