Terry and Pat are on their third date and Terry is pressuring Pat to engage in oral sex. Which is the best way Pat can say no? A
) Don't you know the latest statistics? Oral sex is responsible for approximately 40 percent of the instances of HIV infection in our country today! B)You know, I'd like to go back to that theater and see the second feature after all. Oh, and I think I should go back to the restaurant for my watch. C) Terry, I don't want to do that because I'm just not ready. But I really like being with you and want to keep being close to you
If Pat is not ready she should express it by explaining why she doesn't want to do it or why she is not ready. But If Terry doesn't get it and continue pressuring, she should walk away from him. No one can force you to do something that you don't want or don't feel comfortable with. Also, is good to have in mind the dangers it could bring because of the misinformation, it's known that many STI are caught by this way.
In this case, it will all came to the material of the target. The easiest one should be the one that is made by nylon target. The hardest one to knock over would be made by materials such as silicone, which will basically provide strong deflection for the ball