I think that every answer from your question is correct because the player who will do the serve can stand anywhere to serve the ball but the most important thing is that he should stand behind the end line. Your answers here are referring to that every service is done from the back and that is why I think those are all correct answers.
I hope that this information will help you to recognize the correct answer.
Cuando observamos algo, ¿lo hacemos como una cámara fotográfica? Pues parece ser que no. Nuestro cerebro interpreta algunas cosas de forma consciente y otras de forma inconsciente. De este segundo tipo, una de las funciones más importantes es precisamente el procesamiento de los datos enviados por los ojos.
Mint Gum has metanol in it which is like a cooling agent and it tricks your nerves into thinking its something cold like an ice cube in your mouth. And then you drink the water, and your brain thinks its extra cold and it just feels like you swallowed alot of ice.
Known as cumulative trauma disorders