body language, has he been acting weird? Agreeing or disagreeing in a joking way, lot of eye contact, complements you, the way he responds to touch (like a hand on his shoulder, holding his hand, ect.), and does he lean forward when your speaking to him despite already sitting close
You must be taking an test. Anyways the interesting thing about the heart it is the size of an adult fist.
probably eczema (rashes on your skin) it's caused by dry skin, just make sure to use lotion
i get it too
Panic attacks
A panic attack is a condition which is characterised by the sudden intense feeling of the fear. The feeling of fear reaches its maximum limit within a few minutes. The panic attack can occur at any time of the day and even during the night time.
The people suffering from the panic attack shows symptoms like the increased heart rate, the shortness of breathing, the fear of losing control and even the death.
Thus, Panic attacks are correct.