Answer: static electricity builds up because of imbalance of charges between objects and its greater during cold winter because Since water allows electrons to travel freely, it’s less likely for static charges to build up in an environment where water is present. This is why static electricity is rarely an issue in the summertime — humid summer air holds more water than dry winter air.
Informal Economy
An informal economy is a segment of any society not taxed or controlled by some type of government. The concept is usually applied to self-employment in small unregistered enterprises.
Max spends most of his time in the house taking care of his children and his sister’s children in return his sister lends his family an extra apartment she has in her multifamily home. This situation is referred to as informal economy.
c and b
The following lines from Frost's "The Road Not Taken" indicate what about the Speaker? Line 2: And sorry I could not travel both Line 3: And be one traveler long I stood A. The spaaker is waiting for someone TOT a long time ("long I stood"). B The speaker is traveling by himself- just "one traveler." C. The speaker is sorry he can't travel both roads