In the table there we always eat.
It just based on my own...
Step 1: List you assets
Step 2: List your liabilities
Step 3: Subtract your liabilities from your
Step 4: Total your assets
Step 5: Total your liabilities
Oh well have your parents do something bout that. They are there to help you. Or guardian they all shall help you that is what they are there for. They are they to take care of you, answer you questions, and last but not least, they are there to also raise you. Ask you mom, dad, guardian, and maybe even you teacher to post pone the date. Teachers are to help you. Your guardian is to watch you make sure your safe while your parents are away (bascially like raising you). And parents to raise you, make sure you safe, and many other things like to make sure you are fed.
I hope they all have some type of help for you.