Choice D : look at where you think the line would be if it followed the direction of the data so that about half of the points fell above the line and half below. The two most important things to note are the slope of the line and y intercept.
This is a negative relationship as the line falls as you read it from left to right. That eliminates choice C. Next, it appears the line of best fit would have a y intercept around 10 on the y axis and then fall down and to the right cutting the data. Note that choices A and B have y intercepts that don't make sense for the data. Choice D does have a y intercept of 10 and a negative slope.
Either the amount of galleons or the galleys.
if given the amount of galleons, you can find the amount of galleys by dividing the number of given galleons by 5.
if given the amount of galleys, you can find the amount of galleons by multiplying the number of given galleys by 5.
b, e
Step-by-step explanation:
a, b) ordinarily, we claim the variable on the vertical axis is a function of the variable on the horizontal axis. By that claim, <em>temperature is a function of time</em>.
If the graph passed the horizontal line test (a horizontal line intersects in one place), then we could also say time is a function of temperature. The graph does not pass that test, so we cannot make that claim.
c) The graph has negative slope between 4:00 and 5:00. Temperature is decreasing in that interval, not increasing.
d) The graph has two intervals in which it is horizontal: 5:00-9:00 and 11:00-12:00. In those intervals it is neither increasing nor decreasing.
e) The graph shows a minimum in the interval 11:00-12:00. <em>The lowest temperature first occurs at 11:00</em>.
Set the whole expression = to 0 and solve for x.
3x^(5/3) - 4x^(7/3) = 0. Factor out x^(5/3): x^(5/3) [3 - 4x^(2/3)] = 0
Then either x^(5/3) = 0, or 3 - 4x^(2/3) = 0.
In the latter case, 4x^(2/3) = 3.
To solve this: mult. both sides by x^(-2/3). Then we have
4x^(2/3)x^(-2/3) = 3x^(-2/3), or 4 = 3x^(-2/3). It'd be easier to work with this if we rewrote it as
4 3
--- = --------------------
1 x^(+2/3)
--- = x^(-2/3). Then, x^(2/3) = (3/4), and x = (3/4)^(3/2). According to my 3 calculator, that comes out to x = 0.65 (approx.)
Check this result! subst. 0.65 for x in the given equation. Is the equation then true?
My method here was a bit roundabout, and longer than it should have been. Can you think of a more elegant (and shorter) solution?