Hello there!
There are a few things that cause sleepwalking. Some of these include but are not limited to...
- Lack of sleep
- Alcohol
- Medications
- Illnesses
- And stress
There are no known cures for sleepwalking. Most people grow out of it. If you still have trouble, try to prevent the things on the list above. If you need any help feel free to ask!
- AImondMiIk (Aryona)
you need to earn a doctoral degree
For the most part, you need a Master of Science in Nursing, or MSN, to become an advanced practice nurse. Depending on the exact nature of the work you wish to do, you may even choose to earn a doctoral degree, which those who wish to become Clinical Nurse Specialists often do.
Fingers, because people are usually messing with electricity and their fingers are by it.
1. Expressing their honest feelings with one another and also talking to them when something is going on or they are doing something that bothers them. Also working through everything. 2. You work through the problems and talk to each other about it. 3. You just trust the person
By motor sensory autonomic and special sensory