Answer: Cholesteatoma
A cholesteatoma is a medical condition in which abnormal non cancerous growth that can develop in the middle section of the ear located behind the eardrum.
It can be a birth defect which is mostly caused by the repeated middle ear infection. In this condition cyst forms that sheds the older layer of skin.
Here, the condition that is seen is Cholesteatoma.
Type 2 diabetes is usually initially treated by following a healthy diet, losing weight if you are overweight and having regular physical activity. If lifestyle advice does not control your blood sugar (glucose) levels then medicines are used to help lower your blood glucose levels.
200 and 500 meter run?? That’s wat yuh mean rii
Explanation:Reason is Hepatitis A is usually transmitted through the fecal-oral route, meaning a person somehow ingests contaminated feces from an infected person.