I’m pretty sure it’s true
To calculate their average atomic masses which is otherwise known as the relative atomic mass, we simply multiply the given abundances of the atoms and the given atomic masses.
The abundace is the proportion or percentage or fraction by which each of the isotopes of an element occurs in nature.
This can be expressed below:
RAM = Σmₙαₙ
where mₙ is the mass of isotope n
αₙ is the abundance of isotope n
for this problem:
RAM of Li = m₆α₆ + m₇α₇
m₆ is mass of isotope Li-6
α₆ is the abundance of isotope Li-6
m₇ is mass of isotope Li-7
α₇ is the abundance of isotope Li-7
The calcium concentration must be greater outside the cell than inside the cell.
My previous answer was deleted from the explanation I provided from another website.