Body Mass Index
body fat based on height and weight
Smoking or vaping is not going directly into your blood stream unlike when eating marijuana it goes directly into your blood stream becoming more harmful in higher dosage and the effects are much faster but come at u expected times
A female must ovulate before fertilization can begin and implantation happens once the zyfote is formed
Adolescents can think through the pros and cons of decisions better than children can.
Reward deficiency.
Reward deficiency syndrome is a disorder that is caused inadequate neurotransmitters. This disorder can arise due to genetic and environmental factors. Individual with this disorder exhibit compulsive behaviours and a wide range of addictions.
Reward deficiency syndrome leads the individual to crave for something that relieves them from a negative feeling. Individuals who suffer from this syndrome are unable to derive pleasure from the normal everyday activities.
Alcoholism, drug abuse and other negative behavior may arise from reward deficiency syndrome.