The answer to this question is 3-D references.
3-D references usually contain same cell range on several different sheets. A 3-D reference is often used so sveral worksheets could follow a certain pattern when you put same data. This will make you able to input it faster rather than have to do it over and over again.
Answer:Unstructured decisions
Explanation:Unstructured decisions: These are decision that have no structure in terms of how you go about in making a decision , they only need you to make judgement , evaluate the situation and engage your own insight in terms of term of how you can resolve the issue.
They don't come in the same form so you deal with something new that you haven't encountered before and where there are no predetermined structures or set of ordered responses.
The answer is - water vapor released from volcanic outgassing
The earth's interior contains minerals with hydrogen and oxygen, volcanic eruptions spewed gases from the earth's interior to the atmosphere through a process called Outgassing or Degassing which still continues today. Outgassing is the spontaneous evolution of gas from solid or liquid, degassing / degasification is the deliberate removal of dissolved gas from solid or liquids especially water or aqueous solutions. The continual outgassing or degassing process releases H2O as water vapor into the atmosphere (producing rain- rivers, lakes, oceans), carbon dioxide.
Forces of gravity prevent the water from leaving the planet.
Well police work constitutes several different factors. One is to detect crime, and that more often than not, in all developed nations, involves surveillance and "Intel" on suspicious personnel. This can range from your day to day uniformed officers to the more high end types like covert FBI and CIA who are most often than not, seen wearing plainclothes.
Next is to deter crime, and this is done as a preventive action. This can come through the form of having good relationships with the surrounding community, building up support from the grassroots and of course, addressing the issues and crime related concerns poised by these stakeholders.
And the most commonly seen type of policing, would be the normal day to day patrol officers. These officers are deemed to be the front-liners against vice and criminal activities, and often than not perceived as the only backbone of policing work.
However, alike all corporate organizations, each police force has a wide range of supporting services which ensures the functionality of the police. But in essence, the above 3 factors constitutes the seen and unseen "backbone" of police work. Hope this helps:)<span />