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When we say a furnace is “sealed combustion,” it means it draws on air from outside the house to use for burning fuel (i.e. combusting fuel). ... It's closed-off and draws air through a plastic PVC pipe that connects it to the outside. A second pipe attached to the combustion chamber sends out the exhaust
With negotiated treaties with foreign countries the usa can have certain control foreign affairs.
50 minutes.
2018 NHTSA key findings:
■ In 2018 there were 10,511 fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes in which at least one driver had a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher. This totaled 29 percent of all traffic fatalities for the year. (Note: It is illegal in every State to
drive with a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher.)
■ An average of 1 alcohol-impaired-driving fatality occurred every 50 minutes in 2018.
■ The estimated economic cost of all alcohol-impaired crashes (involving alcoholimpaired drivers or alcohol-impaired nonoccupants) in the United States in 2010 (the most recent year for which cost data is available) was $44 billion.
■ Of the 2018 traffic fatalities among children 14 and younger, 22 percent occurred in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes.
■ The 21- to 24-year-old age group had the highest percentage (27%) of drivers with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher in fatal crashes compared to other age groups in 2018.
■ The percentage of drivers with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher in fatal crashes in 2018 was highest for motorcycle riders (25%), compared to drivers of passenger cars (21%), light trucks (19%), and large trucks (3%).
■ The rate of alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2018 was 3.4 times higher at night than during the day.
■ In 2018 among the 10,511 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities, 67 percent (7,051) were in crashes in which at least one driver had a BAC of .15 g/dL or higher.
Source: NHTSA 2018 data
Hope that helps
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