The rate of the reaction increases when a catalyst has been added to the reaction mixture by e) providing a new mechanism for the reaction to procced by
Catalyst, in chemistry, a substance that speeds up a reaction without itself being consumed. Enzymes are natural catalysts responsible for many important biochemical reactions.
Most solid catalysts are oxides, sulfides, halides of metals or metallic elements, and metalloid elements boron, aluminum and silicon. Gas and liquid catalysts are usually used in pure form or in combination with suitable carriers or solvents. Solid catalysts are usually dispersed in another material known as a catalyst support.
Learn more about the catalyst in
DNA is pivotal to our growth, reproduction, and health. It contains the instructions necessary for your cells to produce proteins that affect many different processes and functions in your body. Because DNA is so important, damage or mutations can sometimes contribute to the development of disease
<h2>hσpє ít αgαín hєlpѕ uh</h2><h3>plѕ mαrk mє αѕ вrαínlíєѕt</h3>
Hello There,
I believe you stated your question wrong. This is not possible. A tennis ball can't have more mass than a gold ball.
If you MEANT to say:
A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball because
then your answer would be:
It contains more matter
Best Of Luck,
- Kai -