<h2><u>The Advantages of a Healthcare Team</u> </h2>
Multidisciplinarypatient-centric care
Application of multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or interdisciplinary team approach provides a wholesome and holistic treatment with better outcomes
Better application of technologies and valuable inputs from various healthcare departments
Better coordination in patient care right from initial visit till final billing processes.
Interdisciplinary healthcare team facilitates healthcare professionals of different departments to interact with each other.
Like, an X-ray taken in the Radiology Department can be accessed by the members of team like the physician, nurse, physiotherapist, etc who can correlate with the findings and the report to provide the apt treatment accordingly
In the basis of their
physical activity levels and diets, Steven is most likely to become a type-2
diabetic later in life for he does not have any kind of physical activity and
he loves junk food. This kind of lifestyle is a precursor to type-2 diabetes as
compared to Daniel who was in the school soccer team, Jack and
Mark who prefers nutritious food and works in the garden and walk the dog