The first one is correct cause first of all it's atomic number is 7 and second of all it's atomic mass is about 15
Here, we use the mole as we would use any other collective number: a dozen eggs; a Bakers' dozen; a Botany Bay dozen.
Of course, the mole specifies a much larger quantity, and if I have a mole of stuff then I have
individual items of that stuff. We can also specify an equivalent mass, because we also know the mass of a mole of iron, and a mole of oxygen etc........The mole is thus the link between the macro world of grams and kilograms and litres, that which we can measure out in the lab, to the micro world of atoms, and molecules, that which we can perceive only indirectly.
Here we have the formula unit
. If there is a mole of formula units, there are necessarily 2 moles of iron atoms, 3 sulfate ions,.......etc.
By breaking the hydrogen bonds that cause surface tension
F BLOCK is the block on the period table that contains the actinide series of elements.
Actinide series of elements are two rows under the periodic table which include Lanthanide series and Actinide series. These are all radioactive elements and all of these are not not found in nature. All these are included in F block element.