Answer: Correlation versus causation
Correlation is measuring the relationship between two variables, their size or direction, and causation is describing one event as a result of another event so it is showing us a relationship between two events. In this case, aggressive children would be a cause of watching and playing violet games, not games themselves.
A job is something you hold for a little while or until you find something more appealing. A career is something you do for life. Or something you may have gone to college for to do for majority of your life.
we can experiment be applied to everyday life by The Stanford prison experiment demonstrated the power of social roles, norms, and scripts in affecting human behavior. Social norms require guards to be authoritarian and prisoners to be submissive. When prisoners rebelled, they violated these social norms, which led to upheaval. The good guards were fulfilling their social roles and they did not object to other guards' abusive behavior because of the power of the situation.
Globalization allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products. It also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers. Lowered costs help people in both developing and already-developed countries live better on less money.