Tips for Balancing Chemistry Equations You may only put numbers in front of the molecules. You can never alter the subscript, as it would alter the formula. ... Begin by counting and making note of the elements present on each side of the equation. Count the number of molecules of each element on both sides of the equation. More items...
I dont know what the question is
you counteract the Chromozones with the numerzones which contacts the specimen in the brain cells which then has voltage in the hand that connects with the wire then wallah
To find the values of the motor efficiency you use the following formula:

P_o: output power = 864J/0.5min=864J/30s=28.8W
P_i: input power = I*V = (3A)(12V) = 36W
By replacing this values you obtain:

hence, the motor efficiency is about 96%
Pentru a găsi valorile eficienței motorului, utilizați următoarea formulă:
P_o: putere de ieșire = 864J / 0.5min = 864J / 30s = 28.8W
P_i: putere de intrare = I * V = (3A) (12V) = 36W
Înlocuind aceste valori obțineți:
prin urmare, eficiența motorului este de aproximativ 96%
A. They can be mixed together to make almost any other color.
The most significant thing about primary colors is that they can be mixed together to form any other colors. Primary colors are red, blue and green. These are the three primary colors of light.
- Other colors can derived from primary colors when making pigments.
- If the the three primary colors are mixed together, white color is produced.
- Secondary colors are the other colors produced by combining any two primary colors of light.
- Two colors the produce white when mixed are complementary colors.
Learn more:
Color vision
Magnitude of the force is 2601.9 N
m = 450 kg
coefficient of static friction μs = 0.73
coefficient of kinetic friction is μk = 0.59
The force required to start crate moving is
but once crate starts moving the force of friction is reduced
Hence to keep crate moving at constant velocity we have to reduce the force pushing crate ie
Then the above pushing force will equal the frictional force due to kinetic friction and constant velocity is possible as forces are balanced.
Magnitude of the force