Okay first you need to convert 0.2 to a percentage which would be 20% then 20% + 20% = 40% then it says he read 50%, 50% of 36 means that you have to multiply 36 two times to get, 72 then you do 72 * 40% = 28.8 = 29 + 72 = 101 pages in all then 101- 40%= 60.6 is how many pages were read on Monday and Tuesday.
<h2><em>Answer:</em></h2><h2><em>3×7-2×6+3</em></h2><h2 /><h2><em>=21-12+3=24-12</em><em>=</em><em>1</em><em>2</em></h2><h2 />
im scared for my future, I dont wanna learn about this, it looks hard
Step-by-step explanation:
OOHHH!! I like sci not! Okay, so you take the decimal ( which in this case is at the end: 68000. ) and move it over as many times as needed until it gets in between the, in this case, 6 and 8. ( 6.8000 ). You need to show exactly how many times it was actually moved so you multiply that number time 10^ whatever place. In this question, it'll be to the 4th place because you move the decimal over 4 times. The answer will be 6.80 x 10^4 OR -written in short hand- 6.8x10E4