Every day, accomplish five things. One thing for your job search, one thing for your community, one thing for your family, one thing to improve your home and one thing for your own spirit. You are needed and important, and by setting this goal daily, you will keep moving forward.”
Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses in 1517 as a as as a protest against the selling of indulgences. After he sent a copy of the theses to Albert of Mainz (who sent a copy to Pope Leo), Luther continued to write, elaborating on the issues raised
I hope that answered your question, if not I am sorry...
Coalition government I think. it was a form of government in which political parties cooperate, reducing the dominance of any one party within that "coalition". The usual reason for this arrangement is so that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the election. A coalition government might also be created in a time of national difficulty or crisis
When a driver adjusts the mirrors in his/her vehicle, the purpose is to have an appropriate view of what happens behind him/her as well as to avoid as many blinds spots as possible. This allows the driver to see where the rest of the vehicles are coming from before performing any manoeuver (such as overtaking) and will prevent possible traffic accidents.