In marine environment, many animals confuse the plastic littering the oceans for food including sea turtles. Once in these animal bodies the plastic accumulates, and the chemicals can cause excess estrogen to be produced, which has led to discoveries of male fish with female sex organs. For sea turtles, the plastic blocks their digestive tract and the food that is trapped releases gases that render them buoyant, and unable to dive for food. The turtle was slowly starving because a single use plastic bag, which she had eaten, was blocking her digestive tract.
The plastic contains destructible and harmful agents that is not good for human and animals health.
- Light energy is absorbed and transferred to the reaction center.
- A water molecule is split.
- Electrons are transferred from photosystem II to photosystem I.
- ATP is synthesized from ADP and inorganic phosphate.
Further Explanation:
Photosynthesis is a chemical pathway that’s integral to producing energy in plants and other primary producers. Energy in the form of molecules of glucose is produced from light, water and carbon dioxide while oxygen is released. This occurs in several complex steps, photosynthesis is a rate limited reaction, depends on several factors including carbon dioxide concentration, ambient temperature and light intensity; the energy is retrieved from photons, I.e. particles of light, and water is used as a reducing agent. This occurs in the thykaloids, where pigment molecules like chlorophyll reside.
The chloroplast is a membrane bound organelle found in plants. It contains several invaginations of a plasma membrane called the thylakoid membrane. This contains chlorophyll pigments, in stacks called granum, while the internal spaces of the organelle are called the lumen. Liquid surrounds the granum, forming the stroma.
During the light reaction:
- Light is absorbed by pigments in phosystem II (PSII). This energy is transferred among pigments til it gets to the reaction center, and is transferred to P680; this promotes an electron to a higher energy level where it then goes to an acceptor molecule.
- Water supplies the chlorophyll in plant cell with replacement electrons for the ones removed from photosystem II. Additionally, water (H2O) split by light during photolysis into H+ and OH- acts as a source of oxygen along with functioning as a reducing agent.
- the electron moves down an electron transport chain (ti PS I)where it experiences continuous energy loss. This energy fuels the pumping of H+ from the stroma to thykaloid, leading to the formation of a gradient. The H+ move along their gradient and cross through ATP synthase, into the the stroma.
- ATP synthase converts ADP and Pi to the energy storage molecule ATP.
- The electron gets to photosystem I where it goes to pigments at P700. It absorbs light energy, the electron is promoted to a higher energy level, and passed to an electron acceptor. This leaves a space for another electron which is then replaced by one from photosystem II.
- in the ETC, the molecule NADP is reduced to NADPH by providing H+ ions. NADP and NADPH are integral to the Calvin cycle where monosaccharides or sugars like glucose are produced after the modification of several molecules.
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Fertilized ovules grow into seeds
Some require heat for seed dispersal
Male and female cones may grow on the same plant
pls give brainliest to me pls and i hope i helped you out!
The limbic system is mostly related to emotional behaviours
The biome that has infertile soil, principally oxisols, to which the vegetation <span>has roots systems that capture nutrients from litter decay, is the tropical rainforest.
Soil types are highly variable in the tropics and are the result of a combination of several elements or variables which includes climate, vegetation, topographic position, parent material and also the soil age. Most of the tropical soils are described by leaching and poor nutrients. It also has two classifications: namely the ultisols and oxisols. Ultisols are known as well-weathered, acidic red clays soils. They are deficient primarily in major nutrients such as potassium and calcium. Oxisols are also an acidic type of tropical soil. However, they are well drained compared to the ultisols.