Color is not a property of populations.
Answer: The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
Because current instruments don't allow astronomers to peer back at the universe's birth, much of what we understand about the Big Bang Theory comes from mathematical formulas and models. Astronomers can, however, see the "echo" of the expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background.
It is important that cell growth in a multi-cellular organism be regulated carefully so as to maintain the integrity of the cell cycle
Explanation: Each cell in a multi-cellular organism has it cycle which consist of the inter-phase and the m-phase (active division). Cell growth takes place in the G1 phase of the inter-phase and this ensures that deoxy ribonucleic acid is synthesized in the S-phase in preparation for division.
Hence, adequate cell volume is a key event in order for division to take place. If cell growth is not regulated, it might result in a cell exiting the cell cycle into the resting phase in case of slow growth or result in over-division of a cell in case of over-stimulated growth. The latter is often the case in the development of cancerous cells.
I believe it is D
Complementary base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds. Adenine and Thymine go together. Cytosine and Guanine go together.
Answer: C
Explanation: Reason why is because whenever the roots put pressure on the rock it cracks open and all the minerals release so it has to be going thru a chemical change because the roots receive the minerals from the rock or stone ...