The projectile's horizontal and vertical positions at time
are given by

. Solve
for the time
it takes for the projectile to reach the ground:

In this time, the projectile will have traveled horizontally a distance of

The projectile's horizontal and vertical velocities are given by

At the time the projectile hits the ground, its velocity vector has horizontal component approx. 176.77 m/s and vertical component approx. -178.43 m/s, which corresponds to a speed of about
Consider a homogeneous machine of four linear equations in five unknowns are all multiples of 1 non-0 solution. Objective is to give an explanation for the gadget have an answer for each viable preference of constants on the proper facets of the equations.
Yes, it's miles true.
Consider the machine as Ax = 0. in which A is 4x5 matrix.
From given dim Nul A=1. Since, the rank theorem states that
The dimensions of the column space and the row space of a mxn matrix A are equal. This not unusual size, the rank of matrix A, additionally equals the number of pivot positions in A and satisfies the equation
rank A+ dim NulA = n
dim NulA =n- rank A
Rank A = 5 - dim Nul A
Rank A = 4
Thus, the measurement of dim Col A = rank A = five
And since Col A is a subspace of R^4, Col A = R^4.
So, every vector b in R^4 also in Col A, and Ax = b, has an answer for all b. Hence, the structures have an answer for every viable preference of constants on the right aspects of the equations.
wait are you the person who is putting lyrics of a certain song? oh yeah it is! hello
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