<em>Civic</em> duties include paying national, <em>state</em>, and local taxes which can include specific taxes such as <em>income</em>, sales and property.
Duties are responsibilities that are established in the face of established compliance. It is the obligation of one subject against another, being this individual, legal entity or even the State. These are attitudes that all citizens must comply with, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or living conditions. <em>Duties also include the payment of national, state and local taxes that include specific taxes such as income, sales and property taxes.</em>
Explanation:Every country has laws,some more strict than others but with the government is like supervising a small child to make sure they do not color on the walls.In short,the governments are a country,city,or state´s babysitters
They are trying to find out <u>how many stones there are in the original arch.</u>
Once they've identified the stone, and its main features, they can address what kind of arch was being built there. After this general understanding, the students can predict how many stones were used to raise the arch, and how they were arranged on the structure. The prediction can be proved after all the original structure being totally understood.
<u>Demand for goods and services in an economy is affected by consumer preferences and / or price of products. The exercise deals only with the increase or decrease in demand due to preferences.
Preferences are based on tastes, conventions and information about the consumption of products. If a preference increases consumption, the demand curve shifts to the right. (type 2). If preferences decrease demand, the demand curve shifts to the left (type 1).
Non-price determinant causing the demand to decrease
more people embreance an oil free diet
Non-price determinant causing the demand to increase
more people use oil for skin and hair care
doctor recommend the use of saffower seed oil
new reports about benefits
I would make changes to the Electoral college system.
I would do this because the college usually elects the same political party every year