RNA synthesis depends on RNA polymerases (RNAPs). This is the enzyme
that faciliates copying a sequence of DNA which is the first step
leading to gene expression. This multi-step process is important for
researchers to understand especially in relations to studying how
genetics influence disease processes.
Build several models of his tree house out of different materials, and see which model holds up best to wind, water, and ice.
The James-Lange theory of emotion.
According to the James-Lange theory, emotion is equivalent to the array of physiological arousal resulting due to external incidents. The two scientists indicated that for someone to feel emotion, he or she must first encounter with bodily responses like increased heart rate, increased respiration, or sweaty hands.
Once this physiological reaction is determined, then the individual can suggest that he or she is feeling the emotions. This is in contrast to the general common-sense way of thinking regarding the cause and effect association between the experience of emotion and its expression.