There are options for this question they are:
a) neutral stimulus; conditioned stimulus
b) conditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus
c) unconditioned stimulus; conditioned stimulus
d) neutral stimulus; unconditioned stimulus
e) unconditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus
The correct answers are - In this example, the buzzer begins as the neutral stimulus and eventually becomes the conditioned stimulus. The buzzer initially is a neutral stimulus because it have no role to play in the blinking response. Eventually though through learned association the buzzer becomes a conditioned stimulus because you now associate it with a puff of air to the eye which in turn causes you to blink.
Answer The species is known from three individuals, all of which were found in the Habib Rahi Rock Formation of Pakistan
Maiacetus is significant because of how well the skeletons were preserved. Over 90% of the bones from the male were found intact, which is almost unheard of for a specimen this old!
Their skeletons have all been found among fossils of sea-creatures which suggests they lived in the sea.
The fore-snout is starting to elongate. An elongated fore-snout is found in all modern whales and all transitional whales after Maiacetus.
Answer:varied in size
Explanation:Galaxies vary in appearance. Galaxies differ greatly in size. Some contain as few as a hundred million stars, but the biggest have more than a trillion stars. Galaxies also vary in shape.
The archaea and the bacteria both are prokaryotes. However, the genetic makeup of the archaea is more similar to the eukaryotes. Moreover, they have differences, in their metabolic pathways, genes and the enzymes possessed by them.
The differences between Archaea and bacteria:
1. The cell wall of the bacteria consist of peptidoglycan, while the cell wall of the archaea consist of pseudo-peptidoglycan.
2. The bacteria are capable of spore formation, which can lie dormant for long periods of time until a suitable condition is found for their growth. The archaea are not known to form such spores.
3. The genes of the archaea are more similar to the eukaryotes than the bacteria.
4. The bacteria are found everywhere where the living conditions are suitable (soil, air, living beings, non-living things). the archaea are capable of surviving in extreme conditions (hot springs, salt brine).
5. The bacteria use the process of glycolysis and follows Kreb's cycle for glucose break-down. The archaea do not undergo glycolysis or Kreb's cycle.