All of them performs a function similar to that of the human body's skin!
Everything at some point belonged to a common ancestor, but these four species are considered to be like this because of similar ancestral traits that have been passed on to generations such a homologous pairs, vestigial structures, they are all mammals, similar amino acid sequences, vertebraes, etc.
It impactes the tides becouse of the Moons Refction and the rotion causes the moons reflitaion to be the moons refliction of gravitional force
We are learning this now
Cadaver Decomposition Island
- When a body is buried directly in the soil, then it is subject to decomposition by insects and microorganisms.
<span>- </span>During this process, a self-digestion of the cells occurs as well as anaerobic decomposition of animal proteins resulting in a release of various chemical components.
<span>- </span>This nutrient-rich fluid is trapped in the soil matrix for a long period of time resulting in the formation of Cadaver Decomposition Island
<span>- The formation of Cadaver Decomposition Island is associated with increased microbial biomass and activity.</span>
Similarly, leaves on a tree are reddest on the sunny side. ... As chlorophyll is destroyed, the green color of the leaf fades, leaving behind the yellow color of the carotenoids. In some trees, anthocyanins form in autumn, and these pigments cause the yellowing leaves to turn first orange and then red
Hope this helps :)