Daycare, because many people have to work jobs, so they put there kid in daycare
They should perform Calcium and weight bearing exercise
Weight-bearing exercise is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones and includes any activity you do that works your muscles and bones against gravity. 3 During weight-bearing exercise, bone adapts to the impact of weight and the pull of muscle by building more bone cells.
According to psychologist Shelley Taylor, women respond to
stress with a behavioral pattern she calls: Tend-and-Befriend, Shelley Taylor argues that men and women respond to stress with
a fundamentally different behavioral pattern. Women are mostly to
use emotion-focused coping strategies than men.
Provide adequate means of escape.
Outline clear pathways to exit doors.
Install smoke detection systems.
Maintain smoke suppression systems.
Conduct regular fire drills.
Keep the building plans handy.
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