float time_hourly=(time_min/60);
float speed_mph=(distance_mil/time_hourly);
I have taken a float variable time_hourly to convert the time given in minutes in hours.We need to divide the time in minutes by sixty since there are 60 minutes in an hour.
I have taken a float variable speed_mph to calculate the speed.Since we know the speed is distance/time and provided the distance is in miles and the time is in hours.
macro virus
Macro virus -
A micro virus is written in a micro language , where the programming language is present in the application of software like the powerpoint , excel , microsoft office , word processor , etc.
These virus gets activated as soon as the file is opened and then the virus starts to spread all over the system .
The virus may be send via email , and as soon as the file is opened , the macro virus gets activated.
Hence, from the given information of the question,
The correct term is macro virus.