36000 centimeters
If the average speed of a species of tortoise is 0.36 km/h, then it would be 36000 centimeters.
C because first comes the source or producer than the first eater then the second and then it decomposes
Scientific evidences abound of the occurrence of plastic pollution, from mega- to nano-sized plastics, in virtually all matrixes of the environment. Apart from the direct effects of plastics and microplastics pollution such as entanglement, inflammation of cells and gut blockage due to ingestion, plastics are also able to act as vectors of various chemical contaminants in the aquatic environment. This paper provides a review of the association of plastic additives with environmental microplastics, how the structure and composition of polymers influence sorption capacities and highlights some of the models that have been employed to interpret experimental data from recent sorption studies. The factors that influence the sorption of chemical contaminants such as the degree of crystallinity, surface weathering, and chemical properties of contaminants. and the implications of chemical sorption by plastics for the marine food web and human health are also discussed. It was however observed that most studies relied on pristine or artificially aged plastics rather than field plastic samples for studies on chemical sorption by plastics.
Less than 7 ph value are acidic. Greater than 7 ph value are basic.
treating food with gamma rays kills microorganism by damaging their DNA, the energy
of gamma rays rips off electrons from atoms hence ionizing them (causing free radicals).
However, gamma rays do not make the food atoms radioactive. The body has a natural
mechanism of riding the body of free radicals. However, large quantities of radicals in the body can cause