A nuclear can hold 2 electrons
Society is a group of people that share similar values and beliefs.
The development of technology is affected by society and its changing values, politics, and economics
The lever arm could decrease or increase depending of the initial angle.
The lever arm d is calculated by:
d = rsin(θ)
where r is the radius and θ the angle between the force and the radius.
So, the increse or decrees of d depends of the sin of the angle θ, if the initial angle is greather than 90° and the angle decrease to an angle closer to 90°, the lever arm will increase but if the initial angle is 90° or lower and the angle decrease, the lever arm will decrease.
A. polymerization
Synthetic plastics are made by linking many simple carbon molecules together to form much larger molecules. This process is called polymerization.
Synthetic or artifical giant molecules consists of synthetic polymers such as plastics, elastomers etc. They are made up of simple monomers which links to form the complex and giant structure.
Monomers are the simplest unit of polymers. Polymers have very great sizes. The size mkaes their structure quite complex. This makes the molecules more disposed in a regular pattern with respect to one another.
The complexity of structure and the attendant effects accounts for the properties and uses that makes synthetic molecules very unique. For example, plastics can be extruded as sheets, pipes and or moulded into other objects.