For earthquakes, there's the Richter scale. For hurricanes, the Saffir-Simpson wind scale. For tornadoes, we use the enhanced Fujita scale. Now scientists are developing the wildland urban interface (WUI) hazard scale, a tool that will help predict the threat and measure the severity of wildfire.
Sweat glands and sebaceous glands are exocrine glands. Pineal and adrenal glands are endocrine glands.
<span>Scientists who wish to clone genes of interest into bacterial plasmids utilize
restriction enzymes, which cuts the target and vector DNA at specific sites. then
DNA ligase is used to form covalent bonds between the resulting fragments to complete the recombinant DNA molecule.
<span>Restriction enzymes (endonucleases) are enzymes which recognize specific target sequences (recognition sites) and will make a double-stranded cut in the DNA molecule at or near recognition sites.</span>
DNA ligase is an enzyme which uses ATP to link two DNA molecules if they have matching ends.
<span>E. Coli are found in the intestines of humans and aid in digestion.
Streptomyces is used in making antibiotics.
<span>Rhizobium are helpful bacteria found in the soil. They convert nitrogen in the soil.</span></span>