<span>The three signs which are used to evaluate the effectiveness of your actions and the need to continue one or both of these measures are the respirations of the newborn baby, the heart rate of him, and lastly, the assessment of the oxygenation of the newborn.</span>
bench press
you use your arms to lift and lower the weight.
The leading causes of death in children under the age of 1 year are developmental and genetic conditions that were present at birth, as well as
conditions due to premature birth. Other notable causes are unintentional injuries which can be fatal and homicide.
The appropriate response should be of informing the client that due to absence of symptoms hypertension is known as 'the silent killer'. The client declines to take the medications but he do not know that how dangerous this disease is. Due to lack of symptoms, many of the people are not aware that they have this disease, and it develops slowly with time and can't be cured but can be controlled by diet and medications. High blood pressure could result in chronic heart diseases and even stroke, renal and arterial diseases too. So, its better to take medication to manage your body's internal conditions.