An Aquifer
An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials like gravel, sand, or silt. The most common aquifers are unconsolidated sands and gravels, permeable sedimentary rocks such as sandstones or limestones and heavily fractured volcanic and crystalline rocks. All of these aquifers can be used for the purification of groundwater contaminated by sewage from a ruptured septic tank.
Butanoic acid
The IUPAC name of CH3CH2CH2COOH is:
The IUPAC name for a given compound is Butanoic acid.
Changes in matter occur every day. There are two types of ways matter can be altered; physically and chemically. Physical changes do not change the composition of the matter while chemical changes occur when one or more substances turn into a completely new substance. Physical changes can be seen through an altering of the substances physical property. A substances physical property is observed and measured without changing the composition of the subject. Descriptive words that would help to identify a substance’s physical property include hard, soft, brittle, flexible, heavy, and light just to name a few. Let’s say you’re eating, throughout the day your stomach starts to growl that is what happens when your stomach is digesting your food. Digestion is an example of chemical change. Chemical change happens every day and more than half the time we don’t realize it whether it’s metal starting to rust, or our food starting to rot. Physical change can happen when your popsicle starts to melt, or your water starting starting to boil. These are examples of physical change.
What are you asking???? If the formula had no atoms of oxygen then......
The answer is C , hope I helped