Specialization Leads to Economies of Scale
As labor is divided amongst workers, workers are able to focus on a few or even one task. The more they focus on one task, the more efficient they become at this task, which means that less time and less money is involved in producing a good.
farmer the hunter of the story
Ethical Issues
The argument you are using expresses Kant's Categorical Imperative, which talks about not stealing as an ethical and moral issue.
Ethical issues usually include:
- Do the right thing.
- Do it because it's the right thing to do.
- Don't do wrong things.
- Avoid them because they are wrong.
Which comparing to the other answers seems to fit your rational the best.
Thus you are trying to persuade your colleague with arguments about Ethical Issues.
I'm also sorry about the other users answer, I hate when people answer questions just to get points so I hope this helps you out. Have a great day!
Well, before you start, you need to choose a side. If you are confused on the phrasing, it is simply asking:
Do you agree that the Supreme Court should be able to think of the law differently during a case to fit with current views?
After that, start thinking of why.
Yes, they should, the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to change as societal views changed.
No, they shouldn't, just because societal views are changing, what we need for our country to run smoothly is the same as it has been,
Hope I could help!
1)Having a Successful Studying Routine:Try to study over the course of a week, not just one night. Revisiting the information moves it from short-term memory (the kind that disappears almost immediately) to long-term memory, where you can retrieve it for later.[1] Ideally, take a look at the content a little bit every day.
2)Start as soon as possible:Organize a notebook and folder for the class. Keep all your papers together when you need to pull them out three months later. Keep your syllabus accessible to use it as a rough outline for the class. Don't forget to keep up the studying on a daily basis, don't leave it for the last minute!
3)Ask your teacher what things she/he want you to study:Remember, any little detail on a test can become a question!
4)Get some sleep:Before you go to bed , hit the hardest concepts. Then when you do hit the hay, your brain has hours and hours to let it sink in. The fluff can be tackled mid-afternoon -- let the difficult stuff stew overnight for maximum retention
5)Make time for breakfast:In fact:research says that your diet the week before the test matters, too! Students that were placed on a high-fat, high-carb diet did worse than those loading up on fruits, veggies, and complex, whole grains. Do yourself, your body, and your mind a favor by eating right. By eating right, you can get the right nutrients that your body needs, and you will be able to retain information better